Event Marketing Testimonials


Kudos from 'titans' of industry, trade association CEOs, event managers, sales directors — the outpouring of praise attest to Ralph’s effectiveness…

1. Return-on-Investment Impresses Attendees…

“I attended Ralph Elliott’s marketing program 13 years ago in Australia and built a multi-million-dollar conference organization. I am back to the US for another session. Ralph is the seminar organizer’s guru, the world’s best! I am taking away 192 short-term, immediately implementable ideas.”

Dr. Charles Schofield, Chief Executive Officer
IES Conferences
Sydney, Australia

Read More About ROI >>>

2. Ralph Wows You, Keeps You Interested and Makes Learning Easy…

"ESMI was a highly effective investment of time and money. After the first day, I fired off an email with 15 ideas for my assistant to begin implementing in our upcoming marketing materials."

Larry Mabrey, Director
Center of Professional Development, Webster University
St. Louis, Missouri

“In my 17 years as Director of Continuing Medical Education, Elliott's marketing course is the most useful one I have attended. Excellent delivery of relevant materials!”

Rob Guerette, President
New England Educational Institute
Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Read More About: How Ralph Wows You >>>

3. Colleagues Find Effective Seminar/Conference Marketing So Beneficial, They Come Back Several Times…

“This was my fifth time attending this program and once again I am leaving reenergized about my job and with a list of new ideas I want to try. Ralph is an expert and excellent presenter.”

Kathy Schlafer, Marketing Director,
Professional Bank Services, Inc.,
Louisville, Kentucky

“This is my third time attending and I received more value in the first ten minutes than the cost of attending. The only downside is that I could not sleep because of all the great ideas I picked up!”

Lynn King, Director of Continuing Dental Education
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida

Read More About: Why They Keep Coming Back >>>

4. Gain From Networking and Bringing Ralph On-Site

"The most valuable aspect of the program was hearing other marketers' challenges and how they have faced and overcome them. Lots of great ideas shared."

Jenn Heinold, Senior Trade Show Marketing Manager
Access Intelligence
Rockville, Maryland

"The seminar here at CICA was great. I got many ideas during the session (51 items on my "think about/to do list"). Leta (who is usually a tough audience member) was the first to send me an email thanking me for arranging the session. She talked about the fact that even though she couldn't afford the 1 1/2 days away from her desk, once she got back there she felt re-energized. She was really glad for the opportunity to refocus her attention, with us as a group, on the aspect of our business that is nearest and dearest to her. The other Principals have also commented on how many good ideas they got from the session -- they're all pumped with respect to marketing."

Frank Colantonio, Director of Continuing Education
Toronto, ON

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