ESMI Customized Webinars...
Have a 60 minute webinar delivered right to you and your teams' desktop. Take a look at the questions below. If your answer is "yes" to all of the questions, there is no need to call; otherwise, for a free price quote call Linda Carol Craven at 864.710.4312 or Email her at:
- Do you have a microsite custom built for each event you put on?
- If yes, does it have a unique ‘feel’ or does it look exactly like the previous event?
- Do you track your conference site analytics with tracking software like Google Analytics?
- Do you track which of your strategic partners are driving traffic to your site?
- Are you using Google Goals to measure the effectiveness of your website conversion?
- Have you ever used Google’s Website Optimizer to test out various options for your conference site?
- Do you take advantage of video anywhere on your site?
- Do you promote your event on Social Networking sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn?
- Do you make it very easy for potential participants to ‘share’ the event with their fellow colleagues or associates?
- Do you use online advertising to promote the event (Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, or LinkedIn ads?)
- Are you taking advantage of ‘Twitter’ before, during, or after the event?
- Do you offer webinar teasers as a way of piquing potential registrants’ interests?
- Do you use email marketing to drive traffic to your site?
- Do you create a customized email for strategic partner to blast to their list(s)?
- Are you using public relations tools on the web to get information to media sources (PRweb, businesswire, etc.)
Again, create your own tailored webinar with content that addresses the unique challenges and opportunities faced by your organization or association. Select from the list topics above or you can build a session from "scratch."
For a free price quote call Linda Carol Craven at 864.710.4312 or Email her at: